Agriculture in the Classroom Visual Branding

Visual Branding

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) is a Canadian charitable organization with a vision to bring agriculture to every classroom, inspiring every student, inspiring students nationwide. Given the organization’s broad reach and impact, it was essential to establish a consistent and recognizable brand identity that could be effectively communicated across all platforms, from provincial member organizations to educational materials distributed nationwide. With the existing logo, our primary goal was to create a unified visual and verbal identity that would resonate with diverse audiences, including educators, students, government bodies, and industry partners.

The new visual identity included an updated colour palette that was tested against accessibility standards, typography, graphic elements, frames, a pattern, social media templates, and a presentation template along with a brand guidelines document to ensure consistency in how the brand should be presented while allowing flexibility for member organizations to adapt the identity to their specific needs. The core concept behind the AITC-C visual identity was to reflect the organization’s values—passion, transparency, empowerment, innovation, inclusion, and collaboration—through a cohesive and accessible brand identity. This identity was designed to be adaptable across various mediums and applications, ensuring that AITC’s message would be clearly communicated in print, digital, or in-person engagements.


Agriculture in the Classroom


Creative Direction, Art Direction, Graphic Design


Account Manager – Ellery Geddes; Chief Media Officer – Maz Tannir